Monday, November 9, 2009

American Heroes...

In honor of Veteran's Day this week, I would like to make a special offer. I want to do a free session for an active military personnel member. This can be a current member of any branch of our armed forces or reserve unit. This time of year always brings me to reflection regarding our service members and the sacrifices they make. I am currently teaching my Holocaust unit with my sophomore classes. The atrocities that occurred in Nazi Germany should cause each and every one of us to thank God that we live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. My students wrote thank you letters to veterans today and we will hopefully hear from a veteran who liberated a concentration camp in the next couple of weeks. This free session is sort of my own thank you to those who defend my rights at a moment's notice. The first member of our military to call or email me will receive the free session. Call 284-3755 or email All of you out there who check this blog (even though NONE of you leave comments!) :), if you know of any military personnel, have them take advantage of my offer! I will let it stand until I schedule a session. Thank a veteran this week!