Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Leaves, They are a Falling!

These gorgeous, warm fall afternoons just keep on coming. I had done Hayley's prom pictures back in May and was excited when her mom called me to do her senior pictures. Hayley is such a sweet girl and I think her style is so cool (see shoe picture!). I am excited about a wonderful senior year for her and want to offer her lots of congratulations!!! Cynthia, Hayley (and Devon), hope you guys like your sneak peak!!!


cynthia said...

Athena thank you so much for doing such a great job on my girls photos they are so natural and shows them for the fun loveing beatiful girls they are It makes me cry every time I look at their photos to see how grown up they are time goes by so fast so enjoy your girls while they are young it doesnt last long