Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Royal Family Kids Camp

This is basically how Todd and I spent our week.  (Not of each other, but you get the idea.)
The Sheepfold was the drama this year.  The kids LOVED it.
The staff had a lot of fun too!
THE QUEEN.  Enough said.  :)
The Sheepfold shirts for the kids.
The tree that we plant every year to bury the childrens' bad memories.  This year it was in honor of Uncle Dennis, who had been at RFKC every year since its inception and went on to be with Jesus two weeks before camp this year.
KEENS!  Soles for Souls partnered with RFKC this year and gave each camper a new pair of shoes!  There were several of these adorable Keens in the mix.  Nike also gave each camper an awesome bathing suit.
Craft time is a favorite among RFKC campers!
We have an Everybody's Birthday Party every year.  The kids get a present and have cake and ice cream.  This year was a beach theme party.
The beautiful cakes.
Archery, though an iffy event for the photographer standing beside them taking the photo, is an activity on the top of most campers' lists.
Arrival of the big yellow bus into camp is my favorite part of camp.
This year's staff shirt.
Canoeing is a lot of fun for everyone (usually especially adults!).  :)
Reflective canoeing time.

Royal Family Kids Camp is an organization that my church has been involved with for eleven years now.  This year was my first year to attend camp as the official photographer rather than as a counselor, a role I have played for seven years.  The children each leave camp with a photo album of their week of positive memories.  It's kind of complex, however, because no other children can be pictured in their albums.  I obviously cannot post any photos that show the children, but here are a few I took that might tell a little of the story of camp.  If you are interested in learning more about this camp, in donating, or anything else, please feel free to contact me.  This is probably the ministry closest to my heart and I love to talk about it!  :)