Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cap and Gown-Bound!

I was so excited when a good friend of mine at school asked me about doing her son's senior pictures. What made it even cooler is that this son has also been my student two different times, in my sophomore English II Honors class and his junior year in my Holocaust Literature class. One of my favorite parts about teaching is watching kids grow and mature and become the adults they will be in life. I have so enjoyed watching Timothy do exactly that. He has become a mature, responsible person who is so ready for the next phase of his life. I am so proud of his high school accomplishments and the college scholarship they have lead to, and I wish him the very best in his college career. Timothy, you are a handsome, smart, respectful young man and I am so happy to have not only gotten to be part of your education, but also to have gotten to take your senior pictures!!! Thanks, Becky! You have done well with your children. :)