Monday, July 6, 2009

I Love My Life...

and all the people in it!  My little family of four did our own beach session, which actually didn't go so well due to the harsh sunlight (the last day, so no afternoon was possible) and my childrens' inability to keep their eyes open in said sunlight.  However, we got a very few good ones, so I thought I would include them on here.  I often imagined my "grown up life" as a child, and I don't think even I could ever imagine that it would be as good as it is.  These girls are the most precious things in the world to me and I can't imagine life without them.  Being married to Kraig, my very best friend, is something that I cherish every day.  We have such a great time together, all four of us.  (Though the other three would tell you that those great times typically do not take place when I am taking pictures of them!)